What options does PTI have after the Supreme Court decision?

Sadiq Hussain

 What options does PTI have after the Supreme Court decision?

What options does PTI have after the Supreme Court decision?
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Prime Minister Imran Khan will once again face a no-confidence motion on Saturday after the Supreme Court declared the rolling of the Deputy Speaker unconstitutional and restored the Assembly and the government. In this situation, the ruling party, the PTI, seems to be in a quandary and the Prime Minister and his entourage are consulting on the next course of action. 

According to local media, the captain is also preparing for the next step, but it is still hidden in the form of a surprise.

According to political experts, Imran Khan and his party currently have three options that they can use.

Accepting political destiny

One option for the ruling party is to take part in Saturday's vote and, in the event of a defeat, respectfully acknowledge it and sit on the opposition benches, or else Prime Minister Imran Khan will resign before the vote. 

Choose a new leader. In that case, the government fears that the government may open cases against it. The Prime Minister has also expressed this fear in a recent interview that the next government may launch a campaign of immorality against his wife and his friend Farrukh Khan.

On the other hand, the PTI may benefit from the fact that the incoming government may be forced to raise prices due to the current economic situation and may lose popularity in the event of a forthcoming election.

What options does PTI have after the Supreme Court decision?
news update
Joint resignations from assemblies

On the other hand, circles close to the Prime Minister have hinted that if the opposition wins the no-confidence motion, the PTI members may resign in the form of an assembly group. In such a case, the new government may face difficulties due to the resignations of such a large number of members, but according to constitutional experts, the resignations will not hinder the formation of a new government, but it will have difficulties in terms of moral and legal legitimacy.

Reference to a technical point of the speaker

The government also has the option of creating a problem for the opposition by giving the Speaker some technical legal reference in the National Assembly voting process. However, after the Supreme Court annulled the rolling of the Deputy Speaker, the Speaker will be pressured not to do anything that would take the matter to court again. However, an attempt can still be made to find a legal point.

Running a people's movement

Opponents of Prime Minister Imran Khan also admit that he is really dangerous as an opposition leader. In recent times, his "self-deprecating" rhetoric has intensified and his popularity has grown. 

After joining the opposition, they can mobilize public support, and the way they suspended the business government by placing containers on D-Chowk in 2014 could create more problems for the incoming government than the Awami Tehreek.


۔ No-confidence motion, Political stakes, Prime Minister Imran Khan, Supreme Court, Speaker rolling, PTI, Latest news

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