What are the things that directly affect sleep?

Sadiq Hussain


What are the things that directly affect sleep?

What are the things that directly affect sleep?
health tips 2022

The night may or may not be disturbing, the stars may be 'instructed' to fall asleep or they may be arranged to be counted.
In that case, it would be nice if someone could tell you that special foods without a pill can make this experience 'pleasant', provided there is a list of things that can lead to insomnia. ۔
A report on the Arab website 'Sabq' states that eating certain foods will cause you to fall asleep and eating certain fruits will cause you to fall into a swing like a ripe fruit.
According to the report, nutritionist Rozi Millan says that some items should not be taken before going to bed, however, if you do not go to bed early and do not have any necessary work in the morning, then you can eat or drink. The first of these, he said, is coffee.
What are the things that directly affect sleep?
health info 

After drinking a cup of coffee, the duration of maintaining caffeine in the blood is four to five hours. So if you drink coffee at nine o'clock at night, caffeine will be present in your blood for four to five hours and at the same time it will keep on pinching you.
So if you are planning to go to bed, try to avoid coffee.
health care 

According to nutritionists, most people believe that drinking alcohol leads to early sleep, but this is not the case. It affects sleep, and both its quantity and quality deteriorate. Twenty-seven studies show that alcohol affects 20 to 25 percent of sleep.
He also mentioned another thing that is chocolate biscuits.According to Rozi, "It doesn't need to be much of a surprise. In fact, biscuits are not chocolate. Biscuits that contain chocolate contain caffeine which prevents sleep and also prevents the release of melatonin."
What are the things that directly affect sleep?
health care

He also mentioned some of the things that help you fall asleep. They suggest eating almonds or cherries if you have a mild appetite and want to go to bed early, while chamomile tea can also be taken.
Cherries contain melatonin while almonds contain good amounts of magnesium which helps in relaxing the muscles while chamomile tea also soothes the body. That's why sleep is delayed.

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